To preserve invaluable patients’ own bone and gum tissues, which are vital to the success of implant treatment in Ottawa West.
Get an appointmentTo preserve invaluable patients’ own bone and gum tissues, which are vital to the success of implant treatment in Ottawa West, we make extra effort to perform atraumatic tooth extractions in Ottawa when a tooth cannot be saved, and implant treatment is planned.
As a general rule, a tooth socket has four walls where a root resides. The outer wall (facing lips and cheeks) is much thinner than the inner wall (facing the tongue and the roof of mouth). If a standard extraction procedure is used, it can be easily damaged. Ottawa atraumatic tooth extraction involves elaborate efforts by an Ottawa dentist and staff using a set of special instruments to remove a tooth without compromising of the outer wall. In a sense, a macrosurgery is done by using microsurgical instruments and skills. To learn more, feel free to contact our Bells Corners dental office today.